Career Success
Career Success
Helping you find the career that's right for you.
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty"
Style and Substance can help:
- Find the career that's right for you
- Define your life purpose- How would you really love to earn a living?
- Give you the confidence to achieve your true potential
- Get back into the workforce after a career break
- Improve your leadership/communication skills
- Re-define your professional image
- Get that promotion
- Have better business relationships
- Have your dream career
We can assist individuals, from all walks of life, who are looking to improve their career prospects in the current, difficult market.

We can also assist -
RECRUITMENT CONSULTANTS and EMPLOYERS - by helping their candidates and staff to be the best they can be.
Our 13 Step programme is tailored to the needs of the individual and the results are
We are so confident that this programme will work for you that, if after following the steps required to make real changes, you haven't seen definite improvements in your life, we will refund 25% of your fee.
Plus! -
If you act now, you will also receive a 30% DISCOUNT on your Coaching programme.
Call now for more information and to claim your FREE introductory session to see how Style and Substance Coaching can help you.
Or fill in your details on our CONTACT US to receive our FREE "Coaching in a Nutshell" information pack.
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